The overall nature of man does evolve over millennia, but some aspects of being human (good and bad) persist throughout the ages. The need for family or tribe is nearly universal. I like to believe we are better at the need for power thing, but it's hard to tell these days.
Is it more innate in us now (as it seems), or does it just seem that way because there as so many billions of us?
So basically it’s the SSDD thingy that has plagued humankind for millennia.
Yeah, that's a nice way to put it. 😉
The overall nature of man does evolve over millennia, but some aspects of being human (good and bad) persist throughout the ages. The need for family or tribe is nearly universal. I like to believe we are better at the need for power thing, but it's hard to tell these days.
Is it more innate in us now (as it seems), or does it just seem that way because there as so many billions of us?